Ok… back at it again…now with Sitely! I know there was a way to animate social media icons before…but now that option is gone? I placed both FB and Insta on the page with appropriate links…but no option for effects??? Am I blind or is this wonderful wacky option hiding in plain “site”?
Maybe @Girlwerks you are thinking about a Button and giving it a background image which would be your social media icon… Then on hover state you can change out the icon to give you a visual effect…
Hmmm not sure but when I did a client site last year I used all the socials that came with Sparkle…and made then twirl…I just looked at old site and yup there they are!
You’re probably referring to scroll animations. When you click on an element (like a button), you can find the “Scroll Effects” setting at the very bottom of the “Style” tab. This setting allows you to make elements twirl, among other effects. If you need more details on how these animations work, check this out: Animation | Sitely Documentation
Yep like Allan mentioned you probably are referring to scroll effects; 1 time animation (happens only the once), or animation on scroll which happens infinite times.
Replying to myself…I figured it out. Grouping the items then reveals the magic scroll effects! If you stay away too long the brain syphons all training out!
Yes…1 time animation. I’ve been away for too long and lost my words. Please forgive.