Hello, Sitelyiers (Ex Sparklers),
Since the last update, I have noticed an issue, now it may have been there all along, but I have just seen it. Within the layers panel, I have tried to name all the different elements and layers to try and keep my workflow organised, however, the full description of each element is not showing, no matter how wide I have the layers panel. For example, I may name a button “CV writing packages” but in the layers panel, it would only show “CV write…” even though there is enough room to fit the whole title in. I have attached a screenshot. Has anyone else come across this and if so, did you manage to fix it? If it looks as if it’s a bug, I’ll contact Duncan directly, want to make sure I wasn’t missing something first.
Thanks, that’s fixed in the upcoming update.
Marvelous, Thank you Duncan.
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