Hi Sitelers or Siteliers or…? (“Sparklers” sounds better, IMO, but… ),
I’m trying to understand the password protection feature better. I’ve read the documentation, searched the community, and watched the video. If I missed the answers, sorry; please direct me to the proper material.
A couple questions to begin:
- Is Sitely’s password protection domain specific, project specific, or something other?
- What are the use cases for the option to Update Users and Passwords to different locations (see image at bottom)?
Question 1: Illustration
Suppose a user has login access to secure pages in multiple projects. If the logins are setup properly (username, password, more?), would users be able to login once to access all their authorised pages (SSO)? Or will they need to enter login info for each project independently?
I did some quick testing using a simple set up on a single domain. The answer seems to be “Yes”, unless I did something wrong. The test used “exact duplication” except for users and may not work for more complicated scenarios.
A few questions:
- Is SSO possible using Sitely?
- Must the projects be on a single domain?
- Will it work across multiple domains?
If possible, what set up is needed to qualify as ‘properly’?
- User Name and Password (certainly)
- Groups?
- Sign in landing page?
- Logout result page?
- Can the landing and logout pages be project specific?
Question 2: Use cases
One obvious answer seems to be to update users without uploading whole site. But are there other uses? For example
- Develop a master User List that is uploaded to multiple sites/domains?
Thanks for your considered responses.