This is the first of a new series of guides that address specific website features and how to achieve them in Sparkle - the simple way!
In this first guide we take a look at using Sparkle features in conjunction with vector graphic apps, and Apple Pages to create elements for a more informal style of website. Click the image to download the guide.
Thanks a lot for the kind words! I’m really glad to hear that you found the PDF helpful. It’s great to know that my explanation of Sparkle was easy to follow. Sharing knowledge and helping others is something I really enjoy, so your feedback means a lot. Thanks again!
Sparkle really is a superior application to WordPress - we’re not limited by templates, all you need is a little imagination and creativity, and you can do almost anything. I created this site for an art gallery, where the menu is more artistic: better look on a Mac.
Sparkle really is a superior application to WordPress - we’re not limited by templates, all you need is a little imagination and creativity, and you can do almost anything. I created this site for an art gallery, where the menu is more artistic:
Sparkle really is a superior application to WordPress - we’re not limited by templates, all you need is a little imagination and creativity, and you can do almost anything. I created this site for an art gallery, where the menu is more artistic: Look on a Mac.
Woohoo! The more documentation the better. On another note, I appreciate the videos, but the narrator (I love his accent) is using an old version of the software, and not all of the fields are in the same locations, so it can be difficult to follow along. Also, the vids are in a low resolution, so some of the text identifying the boxes is very blurry. Are there any plans for additional intstructional videos?