Will it be possible to create a blog in Sparkel 3?
@Nubia, I’m sure we will find out soon!
For now I create the blogs summary and blog posts manually which works…
I do the same (https://cedrus.com/blog) but it’s tedious. It would be nice to have that as a built-in feature.
Well then let’s hope
Thinking Something Like A Blog could be done with Sparkle v2 tools I created [SLAB] https://www.worldshaman.org/Sparkle-Joe.
What is this summary you speak of?
Joseph O’Laughlin
@jol, I was thinking more so along the lines of what we created for one of our clients here - https://financialstreams.com.au/blog.html
The link is the blog summary page that opens up into all the blog posts…
re: SLAB and “Summary”
I was groping for some pointers about Grouping aging blog posts and moving them all together to a new Category like Archive in the left side Sparkle construction device.
@jol, It is something you’ll need to work out for yourself and then manually manage.
Sparkle doesn’t work like a blog platform (like WP, etc…) so for now it is something you’ll need to have a think about in how you’d like to manage your archived posts.
Thanks for your comments.
I can move them one at a time.
Very little I have to say warrants that expenditure of tedium.
I have done this by adding the url for a blogger blog in the embed field. I saw this in a post from Duncan.
I am not a fan of bloggers, I don’t want to be dependent on other platforms.
Therefore I hope that Sparkle itself will integrate a blog.
My blog looks fine on my desktop and it presses my entry into each other on iPad. Why is that?
@Swedutch, Have you also introduced the 768 device - aka tablet breakpoint?
From what I can tell your tablet is viewing the desktop and a few things are overlapping…
I solved it! Thanks!
It did not look like it overlapped in the first place and I changed some things and then it popped up on my Mac screen so now I have fixed that. It looks nice.
I love your blog! Was reading it last night. You have a new fan here in Sydney.
@jazzbird, well thank you. Do not forget to subscribe then!
They say, that this website is created with Sparkle. So this very blog should also be done with Sparkle. Maybe Duncan can tell?
Love your blog set up. Would you mind doing a short tutorial so some of us could use this ingenuity?
Do you mean my blog? Yes, that is done by Sparkle
Sure, will make a template of it to share.