Breakpoints and Vertical Height and Honey Pot

Some quick questions:

I see three general breakpoints. Will these be extended to 4 in the future?

For background images and banners and such I’m used to set vertical heights instead of pixels. Is this possible?

In the forms to avoid spam can we use a honeypot method?

Thank you!

Hello again @Fuellemann :wave:t2:

  1. Sitely allows customized layouts for 6 available screen sizes. You have the option to adjust the minimum width for the two largest devices (Desktop PCs and Ultra-wide desktop PCs) if needed to suit your requirements.

  1. Unfortunately, no, this is not possible without adding custom code.

  2. Sitely’s default form already includes an anti-spam system. While it is not infallible, it is very effective for a system without CAPTCHA. Personally, I have received very little spam since I started using Sitely (since 2016). However, if you prefer to handle anti-spam yourself, this is entirely possible by using the advanced form submission option. With this feature, you can process the received data with your own code to implement your own protections.


Thank you :slight_smile: very much!

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