I’ve designed my site with “custom” design for both portrait smartphone and desktop, but haven’t done anything with the other devices/orientations. Can I “get away” with not doing a custom design for the other 4 devices/orientations? By this I mean, will all the elements of my design that are now custom on portrait smartphone and desktop still show up on the other 4 in a way that it looks “reasonable?”
The easiest way for you to check this is to Preview your site on a tablet and maybe large desktop. Also you can use Automatically Scale if what you see in Preview isn’t that crash hot…
I guess I must be a newbie: what does “crash hot” mean?
When viewing your Sitely site on a tablet (you hadn’t created a device for that one as I read it) via Preview you will see of course if it is suitable; is the text easy to read, is the layout within the tablet viewing screen, etc…
For me before releasing a Sitely website I physically test the website on all my mobile devices (including Android) and varied sized desktops/laptops (including Windows).
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