I have a Sparkle website with ten galleries. Each gallery has up to 100 images. I would like to allow the user to click on any image to download it. The Style menu for galleries has an option to download a specified file, but not to download the particular image that was clicked on. I could of course specify the particular image files on my disk one after the other, but this would be a huge task and it would double the number of image files built into the website (I think). That’s not something I am willing to do. Is there a way to accomplish this more efficiently? Alternatively is there a way to download an entire gallery, perhaps as a pdf file? I’m guessing the answer is “no” to these questions, but still I am hoping. Thank you for any suggestions.
He, he, he… We always here Users not wanting their images downloaded and trying every which way to put stops to it. Your issue is on the other end of the scale.
I know what you are saying about not wanting to drag another colossal amount of images onto your server, but I don’t see any clear solutions for this as we cannot download a gallery of images from the Sparkle Image Gallery widget.
I could suggest the following…
- Take one of your galleries and all its images and compress them into a zip file, and place on server under a folder called gallery downloads / gallery 1. Or you can can load the zip file into your Sparkle project and Sparkle will allocate the folder, etc…
- Place a gallery download Button under the gallery and link it to downloading the zip file
It is not an ideal solution but one that can work for your needs…
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