Fixed video box for multiple videos

I’m wondering if there’s a way to have a single static location of one main video window/box - and and scrolling menubar of thumbnails (or titles/descriptions) to select from - to change the playing video in the box? Hope this makes sense.

Or perhaps some other way to deal with many videos on one page other than continuous vertical scrolling getting longer with each new one added.

Hello :wave:t2:

There is no dedicated function for this, but it is definitely possible by using popups or layout blocks.

For example, you can place each video in a separate popup. The popups can be “fixed in window,” while the selection buttons remain on the main page (outside the popups). If all the popups are grouped together, they will behave in a way where opening one popup automatically closes the previous one. This way, when a user clicks on a button, the new popup will open and display the corresponding video, while the previous one will close.

You can also set the “open automatically” option for one of the popups, so it will display as soon as the page loads.

If you need help, feel free to reach out :blush:

(Translate with AI)


Thanks so much, I understand the process you’re suggesting - but don’t like the idea of pop ups so much. (some people block pop ups, unsure about universal support, and unsure how it would work on various mobile). I might just do it and test it out to see if it’s workable though! (My original idea was to have the main video play window embedded, featured on a page.)

Sorry, I’m not sure I understand. In Sparkle, popups aren’t intrusive like the ones browsers might block. They are actually fully integrated elements of your site, behaving like regular sections of the page.

For example, they can appear smoothly, blend into the layout, and be fully customized to look like native design elements. They won’t be perceived as “intrusive” windows that pop up in the middle of the screen.

In your case, they can allow you to manage multiple videos without making the page longer, while keeping the navigation smooth, even on mobile. Here’s a simple example : Page 1

You can download the project here :


Sparkle popups are unrelated to the popup windows you are thinking about, those are a thing of the early 2000s that’s been essentially killed off by browsers (and rightfully so, they were used for ads).

Sparkle popups always work, they don’t open a separate browser window, they change the content of the window itself. Perhaps another name could be “modal dialogs” (though popups aren’t exclusively modal).

What @Allan describes with popups is definitely the best choice.


I am a new user, so this is only a question … ( I only have my phone here, so cannot test it either) … can you add videos instead of images into this style of ‘gallery’?
I have forgotten the name of this type of gallery, but you can see one on this page

I’m wondering if that’s what you were hoping for @KoKo ?

No, unfortunately this isn’t possible with the gallery. Something fairly similar can be achieved using popups, but it’s not currently possible with the gallery.

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Apologies Allan, and thanks to both you and Duncan. I simply didn’t understand the term “pop up” - as it pertains to Sparkle… confusing it with the old style floating window pop ups (used in the past - I’ve used them before in Dreamweaver and Freeway). The little demo you made makes it perfectly clear, and it seems very easy to implement.

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I’m back with one more question on this. I have an under construction version here -

One really buggy thing is the current video will continue to play if another one is selected (without manually stopping it beforehand). If there a way to automatically shut off the playing video upon loading another? I realize it’s embedded so the video controls aren’t in Sparkle itself - but thought maybe there’s a trick to cover this.

Hello :blush:

You can stop the videos from playing when switching popups if you are using Sparkle’s video integration. To do this, enable the “Start when popup opens” option. Videos will then start automatically when the popup opens and will also pause when it is closed.

Thanks - the method of video switching I was using embedding however… (not Sparkle’s integration).

I used the example provided earlier - so you’re saying one can also just as easily layer and control the size of the You Tube integrated videos as well? (and circumvents ads) I’ll have to experiment!

Thanks so much - I have it working now - was able to put the YT videos inside the pop up containers (switching via buttons - and the “Start Automatically” option turns off the previous video. GREAT!

Just one more issue now - new videos begin playing without sound - muted/sound off .
For music - it’s important for the sound to be ON from the start.

Any way to force the sound to be ON?
Otherwise I’ll have to add a little “Sound On?” tip arrow to the mute button location on the YouTube player. I have this (hopefully) temporarily set up on the site now here.