Forms: Text Input Function Issues

I’m having a problem with the Forms “text input” function; it no longer implements word wrapping, and the placeholder text can’t be aligned to the top-left of the entry box. Does the site have to be published for word wrapping to be functional, and can we add more text alignment options; or will I need to add my own CSS styling?

Without a visual it is hard to be of help, but I’m assuming you are using multi-line text input container? If so have you turned off “Single Line”? under Text Input.

When you are in the Text Input area (on the right-hand panel after you click on the text input container) you are given text alignment options you can choose from, but knowing that it is obvious I have most likely not got the jest of your question?

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I appreciate your timely response. I just figured that out and was returning to delete the question, do you think it’s best to leave it up just in case another user searches for a solution to the same issue? Thanks again.

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Yes Myrt it wouldn’t be a bad idea to keep it in place for others in the future!
Glad to hear you worked it out :slight_smile:

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