Hey Duncan, hey all,
I tried Sparkle some time ago and for my needs it wasn’t sufficient. Wow, Sparkle has developed a lot since then. Well done. Right now I’m trying to redo my wife’s website (which I did in Rapidweaver) with Sparkle and I absolutely love the freedom in design, moving things around and creating a look that I want. That’s where other programs are quite restricted.
That said, I wonder how sparkle handles header tags (H1, H2 …). How do I know which titles or heading I use in Sparkle are transformed into certain headers tags. I might want to make sure that a title or a heading really reads as a H1 or H2 tag in html. Not that I’m html or css savy, but I know the basics.
Two things I’m actually missing or would love to see are:
Divider - a simple divider instead of using boxes and fiddle with them to get them look like a divider, which is a bit annyoing. It works, but wouldn’t a simple divider be easier? Or did I just miss that one?
While a lot of text properties are set per device, text alignment (left, center, right…) isn’t. That would be a great addition. I don’t always use the same alignment on all devices or screen sizes. Mostly left/center. Any chance you’ll add that?
And of course… even it it takes a while, a simple blog feature would be awesome 
Thanks a lot for your work, and if I find myself switching to Sparkle completely, I’m all up for a subscription to support you.
@pumpkin, If I understand you correctly…
- Sparkle has a good grasp on header tags h1, h2, h3, etc… When you click on a text box that you have your header sitting in you will see you can also assign it a “HTML tag”
- Although Sparkle doesn’t have a “divider” element you can try this neat hack… drag an “Embedded” element onto your canvas and stretch it out to the length of your imagined divider and then place
(the html element for horizontal rule) and wallah, your divider line, plus you can style it
- You can achieve your differing text alignments per breakpoint via your font style… you can have a left aligned p style set for your 960 and 768 breakpoints, and then for your 320 create a p style with centre align
And I’m also hanging out for the blog feature which I’m sure is on its way! 
Ok, good luck with it all…
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Hey Greenskin,
thanks for the reply. I‘ll check the html tag in textboxes when I’m home from work. That’ll help a lot.
The <hr>
in an embedded element… gosh, why didn’t I think of that 
Text alignment via font styles, sure. Will work. Easier though if it just worked automatically like all other text properties.
Maybe Duncan adds that in an update? One can hope 
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@pumpkin, my pleasure!
I’m happy to read that you are going all the way and not just launching a site in a desktop breakpoint only! Mobile now on average (55-70%) has it all over desktop.
So far I’m really happy and excited what I have been able to achieve with Sparkle so far and I love how we can now import a Sketch artboard! 
My html knowledge is very limited,
how do you style it? Thanks.
@lode.rosel, Well you can place the following in the window…
hr {border-top: 5px solid rgba(171, 60, 79, 0.5);}
is the html, and what is in the brackets is your CSS styling, in this case the line thickness, the line appearance, and the RGB colour with A (opacity of “0.5”).
Ok, I hope it is of help! 
Is there an advantage with using “hr” over a “regular box”? Maybe advanced styling, but then you need knowledge of html, css… Or am I wrong?
@lode.rosel, no there isn’t any advantage only that @pumpkin was asking for another way.
I’m totally AOK in using “box” to create the dividing line, but I also think it highlights how versatile Sparkle is with its features at present!