Hi there, searching for “sharethis” I only found one question without a helpful answer.
I signed in with sharethis to embed some share buttons for FB, Pinterest, Pocket etc.
I receive two HTML codes, one to enter just before the closing body tag. The other whereever I want to place a share icon to expand those buttons.
When clicking on the tool to embed external stuff, I’ll get a box on the website draft and a box opens on the sidebar to enter that code.
When I paste the first code there and click save, everything vanishes again and that’s it.
I am fully aware that most of all computer problems are located in front of the monitor, therefore I would like to know on what part I am the dummie here? Or is there anybody out there with the same problem or - even better - with the same problem, but solved with any hints?
Would be great. Greetings from Germany
Hi @ReinhartS, hard to help with something to look at. Can you paste the code here so we can take a look?
Good Morning Duncan,
thank you very much for your reply and the offer to help. The first code to be entered would be this:
<script src=“https://platform-api.sharethis.com/js/sharethis.js#property=5de66e2357ea000012a76637&product=inline-share-buttons”></script>
And the second code mentioned, where any share buttons would be implemented, would be this:
<div class="sharethis-inline-share-buttons"></div>
I could have tried to put the code directly into the generated website, but I did not find a possibility within the sparkle UI so far.
Now, I tried it once more with the embed function, entered the first code, added another box with the embed function, entered the second code, published the website - but no button whatsoever.
Any hints are highly appreciated.
Thanks again
The first code snippet contains the curly typographical quotes. That doesn’t work in code.
This works:
<script src="https://platform-api.sharethis.com/js/sharethis.js#property=5de66e2357ea000012a76637&product=inline-share-buttons"></script>
Then adding the second code in the page produces this in the Sparkle preview:
I wouldn’t expect it to appear in the Sparkle canvas.
Thanks for quick reply. Strange: I really don’t see any difference between the first code snippet I posted and the snippet you replied. I’ll try again…
As @duncan mentioned, there are two different types of quotes.
The ones that work with code.
And the “curly” typographical quotes.
Very often the difference between the two can only be seen when enlarging the font quite a lot. Like this for example:
The first quotes are the “normal” quotes (for code), and second are the “curly” quotes for typographical purposes.
Depending on the settings on your Mac, the “normal” quotes are sometimes automatically replaced by typographical quotes, and then the HTML code no longer works.
Your code snippet contained typographical quotes, and that’s why it didn’t work.