How to embed Tumult Hype animation?

Hello folks,
I’m a newbie at Sparkle and have taken my first baby steps at Tumult Hype. Now, however, I’m failing to combine the two things. How can I embed the html 5 animation in Sparkle?
I created the “embed” frame in Sparkle and downloaded the animation as html including a folder from Hype. In the html document there is a part marked “copy these lines to your document”. I inserted this into the frame at Sparkle, but unfortunately I can’t see the animation.

It would be great if someone could help me so that I can use the great features that Hype offers in Sparkle.

Best regards

Hi Laura,
I am not using it a lot, but for me it works like this:

Create your animation in Hype and export it as html.
Open the index page and copy the code after “copy these lines to …” into a snippet.
Make sure, that the snippet is big enough to show your animation.
Export your sparkle page into folder.
Place the folder with animation resources from Hype in the same folder.
And it should work…

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Hi Tom,
thank you so much for your help! Sometimes it can be so easy. Now it works.
I was waiting to see the animation in the preview… Now that I think about it again, I realize that it can’t work.

Have a nice day :slight_smile:

I tryed the answer from Tom… but nothing happend… is there a new trick?

Tom’s method is probably what you are wanting. I use Hype a lot but have found it easier to keep Sitely and Hype pages distinct and then just link from one to the other. I upload the hype files using Fetch. You do have to also keep the .HTML file names distinct.