Hello community, this is my first time designing a website, and Sitely has helped me a lot; it’s very intuitive. The website I designed doesn’t have a layout that automatically scales to mobile devices, so I needed to create new design blocks specifically for mobile. To prevent them from showing on the desktop version, I simply deactivated the “show on this device” option, which worked well during the design phase. This allowed me to hide the new blocks and adjust the canvas size to the visible design blocks.
My problem is that on mobile, the canvas size behaves correctly. However, on desktop, even though the content of the blocks isn’t visible, all the space caused by the mobile blocks remains published. Is there a way to fix this? Why doesn’t this happen on the mobile version but only on desktop?
Hello Ducan,
recent problems have been successfully resolved.
My final problem could be the same as iker.santana’s…
With my design blocks there is no problem with large devices, however - as with my colleague, when the design is adapted for small devices there is a free space under the block (this cannot be seen on the workspace, but only on the left in the preview). So you can’t go by WYSIWYG.
Did you have a solution for this?
My site: 80salive-band.de