Layout. boxes keep moving

I am finding that after positioning everything as I want it on a page, I edit another page and when I return to the previous things have moved.
It appears it’s not possible to lock a layout box, which I would really like to do?

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When you say “I edit another page…” which page are you referring too?
Is this page on another device?

No. Just another page on the same site on the same device. Just moving from one page to another by selecting in the pages panel.

Ok that sounds strange. It might be human-error, but best to let @dunan know…

Could well be something I’m not aware I’m doing, but it’s frustrating. The layout boxes just rearrange themselves. I suddenly find the Hero is on the bottom of the page and the other layout boxes are all jumbled. Often the page has grown to mammoth proportions and there are boxes right at the bottom and a huge block of white space.
I do wish I could lock the layout boxes or even lock the page when I’ve finalised it.

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That said, the tool is damned brilliant! I’m blown away. I’ve built websites with various tools on a Windows platform, and played with most of the affordable options available for Windows, but I’ve never found anything that comes close to this. It’s amazing!

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Hi @Rainey, would be great if you could send us the project file you’re working on, and a screen recording showing the problem happening. Not aware of an issue of this kind, or maybe there’s an explanation that doesn’t come to mind. You can use the system QuickTime Player app to record the screen, and to send both.

Okay. Not Thank you for responding. good with video recording, but I will attempt it. It was happening rather randomly (or so it seemed) so it may be difficult to record.
I am trying to think of possible causes. I did duplicate pages. Could changing the layout of a duplicated page upset the layout of the original? Though I’m sure it happened on page that were not duplicated also.
I did notice that adding a layout box between other layout boxes where there was not enough space for the box I created caused boxes to rearrange themselves rather than just moving lower boxes down. Perhaps because of the way the footer/page bottom was fixed? I am no trying to ensure I make space for the new layout box before I add it and that does seem to work better.

I still have lots to learn. Sitely is intuitive, but there’s so much to it! If all software was this good, computing would be pure joy!

Hi Rainey,

Layout Blocks can be frustrating but are great aids when specific steps are understood. I’ve developed a sequence of steps that avoid most problems. Unsure if they would solve your issues. I linked post of the steps below.

Are you referring to Layout Blocks? Perhaps you have the a Block element under Arrange set to Show on all pages in this section, or Show on all pages? Move one and they all move, right?

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I’ve had this problem frequently with previous versions of Sparkle on my Mac mini. Duncan helped me out every time by cleaning things up. Nowadays on my MacBook Pro I experience it almost never. I suspect the available RAM (plus open apps) and disk space may play a role, but I’m not sure at all.

That might well be the problem. Thank you. I’ll watch closely and check the Show options when it happens next.

You could be onto something there. I actually had two instances of Sitely running, copying content from one to another, and also an old site displayed on Google that I was copying from, and my email client, and a Photo editor. My little Mac was possibly strained!
(Two instances of Sitely sounds ridiculous, I know, but I’m a novice. I started a site thinking pre-made designs never work for me, and then decided to experiment with Sitely’s site generation, and it was so much better than the layout I had been working on, so I copied all the content from the site I had been working on to the generated site. Much happier with the look!)


Hi Duncan, I apologize. I tried to send the sites via but for some reason it would not send me the verification code I needed. Weird! I will try again, but I think other users may have solved both my problems! The footer issue I think is due to me inadvertently selecting ‘‘show on all pages in this section’’ instead of ‘‘show all pages’’. The moving layout boxes is almost certainly due to me showing on all pages, though possibly also the fact that I had a lot consuming RAM at the time was also a factor. I actually had 2 instances of Sitely running at once, copying from one site I’d worked on to another, because I foolishly bypassed automatic site generation at first, and then I discovered how brilliant it is and how far superior the look of a Sitely-generated site is.