Why light lightbox background color is #fffff9 instead #ffffff?
How to change this color and remove the lightbox image drop shadow globally?
Why light lightbox background color is #fffff9 instead #ffffff?
How to change this color and remove the lightbox image drop shadow globally?
I’m afraid there’s no way currently.
Thans for the answer…
When you have the pro version you can probably change the color directly in the code ?
No, Sparkle is not a code editor, there’s no difference in that regard.
But with an editor we can go into the code ? Or are these parts located on your servers ?
Oh yes, once exported you can edit the code. Any changes aren’t round-tripped back into Sparkle though, they’d be overwritten once you export again.
Sparkle does not rely on any server functionality for production websites, the generated website is standalone, standard, web ready code.
Yes it’s a work around. I must admit that having a plain white (or choice of color) for the lightbox Bg would be nice. I also tried everywhere to take the drop shadow out, like Macarna.
Thanks for your help