Lightbox slideshow arrows: issue on Safari


I tried out the Lightbox feature of Sparkle 5.5.3 for my image galleries and I like it very much. It works fine on iOS devices as well as on Chrome and Firefox on MacOS 14.5. Strangely, the navigation arrows do not work on Safari 17.5. I can still navigate to the next image by swiping, but clicking on the arrows just closes the Lightbox. Here is one of my image galleries:

Is there anything that I missed?

Hi @umx, just tried it on my Safari 17.5 on my laptop and it works perfectly. I would clearing your Safari cache on your Mac.

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The navigation arrows for the full screen Lightbox are intentionally left out on mobile because they take space from the photo and swiping is natural on touch devices. We will be looking at improving this in the future, when we work out an interaction mechanism that is superior to this.


I cleared everything, but the issue remains. This is on a MacBook Pro M3 16 inch. I have just tried it on an Intel MacBook Pro (same versions of MacOS and Safari) and there, the Lightbox navigation arrows are working.

The navigation arrows even work on iPads if the screen size is large enough.

I just tried with Safari 17.6, Mac OS 14.6 and it works fine on Apple Studio M1Max.

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Thank you for this. This exonerates Safari, MacOS, and Mac model, leaving not so many possibilities. I have not checked Safari extensions so far. I have only two extensions and when deactivating one of them and relaunching Safari, the navigation buttons are working for me as well. I did not expect that extensions can break browser behavior. The culprit is Papers from Readcube, which I am using quite rarely. So the problem is solved. Thank you all for your help!