Hi all,
Is there a way to have a simple ‘log-in’ to a private area of a website. Or perhaps a widget that exists to do this!
Hi all,
Is there a way to have a simple ‘log-in’ to a private area of a website. Or perhaps a widget that exists to do this!
Hi @scoutdesign, unfortunately it’s not currently possible.
For now the workaround would be to place the pages you want to password protect in a subfolder (using the folder setting in each page settings), and then use your web host’s feature to password protect that subfolder.
Please be so kind and explain how to generate a subfolder with a site that I can to protect with a password.
Many thanks, c.
The sub folder is created by Sparkle, when in the page settings instead of “at the top level” you set it to “in a folder”, and in the field below enter the folder name.
Next time you publish sparkle will create the folder with the name you chose.
How do you add additional pages to that sub-folder?
There’s no independent concept of a folder anywhere, you just set the same folder name for a different page.
When I publish to my server all of my content is put into a “public_html” folder. It appears my cPanel will only allow me to password protect that whole folder (or the root folders) and not an individual folder within it. Is my publishing set up incorrectly (everything works) or is this left over from when I was using Word Press? I also have folders like “cache”, “etc”, “logs”, “lscache”, “public_ftp”, etc. If this is all correct from Sparkle, how do I publish a separate “root” folder so my cPanel will let me password protect it.
you could check if your webhost allows you to work with something called htaccess file.
If so, i can provide you with material for this. I have recently used the same technology to protect my new website which is currently under development.
You can check it - https://suedstrand.fehmarnufaktur.de
Before I forget: there is another way to achieve what you want, there is a great php script that works with sparkle- itˋs called linklok.
This requires php on your Webserver and a little bit of tweaking
Hi Lennart,
You mention linklok as a php script. I searched for it but only came across a page Calle vibralogix (https://www.vibralogix.com/linklokipn/). I don’t suppose you meant this. Could you give some more informations? Thank you very much!
Hi Rainer,
you found the right company and the right webside.
this is the script I was talking about.
Best regards
Moin Lennart,
I followed the link and was on your site, but where do you use the password protection? I only saw a beautiful and working site but I didn’t found something protected…
I like to use the named solution for the private part of our choir website I am just building.
Kind regards
Setting up protected pages in a website is beyond the remit of most website builder applications. This is because these features normally require some form of script (server-side app) to make them work. The Vibralogix solution is such a script. Essentially, its an application that runs on your server, which must be running PHP. Once installed on your server, you will have an administration URL that allows you to login to your system to set up all the various functions of the script.
At the most basic level, the script will allow you to set up protected pages that only registered members can access. You don’t have to really understand what’s going on under the hood, but scripts are a very effective method of keeping private pages out of the public domain.
When it comes to adding protected pages to your Sparkle project, all you have to do is change the extension to .PHP instead of .HTML - something that is easy to do in Sparkle. You will also have to place a small piece of code at the top of your .PHP pages - again, something that is very easy to do in Sparkle. You can then publish your site as normal, safe in the knowledge that your protected pages are safe from non-authorised users.
Of course, there are other things that will have to be done. For example, you will have to have some form of login link on your unprotected pages - maybe even as a link on your navigation. The admin area of your script will usually have a section that generates the code you will need to add such links to your Sparkle project pages. These links are easy to incorporate and will usually display a login form asking for a username and password. Other code that will be provided by the script will include a registration form so people can sign-up (with or without payment). Again, it’s just a question of adding the code to your normal Sparkle pages via the code widget - a simple copy and paste exercise.
There are many scripts available at reasonable cost - its just a question of choosing one that fits your purpose and budget. Whichever one you choose, it can be easily incorporated into a Sparkle-built website.
If you need specific advice, it’s probably better if you PM someone (or me) that uses such a script so that you can get more specific information on how to integrate this function into a website. It’s generally easier than opening up the forum with details that the majority of users are not going to need. Sparkle, just like almost all of the other website builders out there isn’t going to have this functionality built into the app so best to ask an individual member how best to achieve your objective.
Hope this helps.
Moin Heike,
the link you were following is no longer under development.
That is why you could only see the Site running.
I can provide you with several options for a private log in area.
You have to decide how much features you want and if your webhost offers .php or htaccess. Today most webhostcompanys do.
Best regards / viele Grüße
Hi francbrowne,
I am impressed and fascinated by your reply - it was a small tutorial and I am a step further. I take into account not to expand this discussion here in the forum and will PM.
Thanks a lot for the fast and detailed help.
Kind regards
So, has there anything changed until now? I’m also looking for a solution on site-protected-areas. Can you maybe recommend someone that is dealing with sitelok compatible to sparkle?
Thanks Carola
Hi @Carola, as announced in our black friday blog post, Sparkle 4 will include a password protection feature.
Sparkle 4 is coming very very soon.
Hello everyone.
Seven days have now passed, but Sparkle 4 is not yet in sight. The time frame “very very soon” seems to be very stretchable.
But as Einstein said: “Time is relative”. And everyone can verify that in everyday life. The length of a minute can also depend on which side of a locked restroom door you are on.
Merry Christmas to all of you out there in the big world of the internet!
Mr F.
@Mr_Fozzie, I think we know by now Duncan & Daniel are perfectionist and want to give us Sparkle Users the best, so I reckon issues may have come up that are being sorted?..
So maybe a Christmas present or a New Years present?
I have a good feeling that when we do see it it will be high-fives and party time!!!
Thank you for the Christmas wishes!
And you have a great one as well…
This is like waiting for Santa
In the past week or so, I’ve been looking in the App Store for news twice daily
Hi, Sitelok is fully compatible with Sparkle, as long as you have the Developer Tools to add the php snippets to the top of the pages you want to secure. I have not implemented Sitelok yet, but a very similar script that works the same way, but with less features.