My updates not reflecting on my website after publishing. How do I fix?

Hello! I was able to publish my site and things seemed to be going as planned, but as I update my changes to my site (as I’m still tweaking) some of these tweaks aren’t showing up on the live site. I know in the old iWeb it would do this and you had to clear cookies and cache or open up in a different browser, but not having any luck with that. Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.


@nomad0792, Welcome onboard! :slight_smile:

That doesn’t sound good but can I ask you one obvious question, sorry. After you make the changes do you hit the Publish button again? Only asking because you haven’t mentioned it in your post.

I’ve not had a problem so if you are doing all the right things it is best to get hold of Duncan at

Yep, I hit publish and there seems to be residual items or old design apsects still present. Not sure if it’s a hosting thing or not. I’ll hti up Duncan. Thanks!

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I have the same problem now. It does not even update to the Preview

Can I suggest clearing caches on your browsers and maybe the host after publishing changes.
