Numbers animations?

Hello, it is possible in Sitely to make animations of numbers, ranging from 0 to 58 for example, typical numbers that are animated to say: 58 clients, 42 websites, 16 years of experience, etc.


Yes. Use a smartfied counter „count up“.

See the documentation.

Mr. F.

Thanks Mr_Fozzie, I was just looking at the + (insert) button, and the smart fields don’t appear there, I didn’t know that there were more options through the sitely menu. Thanks again for your quick response.

Hi @rgbcreativo, smart fields are within text boxes, when you are editing a text block you have the “Insert smart field” button on the settings on the right. Or you can use the Insert top level menu, smart fields are also listed in a submenu there, and will add a small text box with the smart field in it.

Hi @duncan, thanks, to clarify in case anyone else has questions; When you directly create a text box, if you don’t write anything and go to the settings panel on the right, the “insert smart field” option appears, but if you already have any text written in the box, “insert smart field” no longer appears, this The last thing was what happened to me before asking in the forum.

My take is…
If I click into a blank Text Box I am able to insert a Smart Field like you mentioned. If I have content in my Text Box and click into it, engaging with the text I can insert a smart field wherever I want.

I guess with a blank Text Box all the options are given until you place text. Sitely recognises you have text now in the text box so you have to click into it for the options to appear including Smart Field.