Options when adding YouTube video

Having watched the good video on adding YouTube content to a page, the Options available are shown as having Loop and Mute with checkboxes, along with Player Controls.

On my Sparkle (Pro) with an annual renewal at £79.99, the only two Options available are Start Automatically and Show Related Video.

I’m running Sparkle Ver 5.5.3 is there something I should do to update my version, or is this part of the “Developer Tools”?

Many thanks in advance for any replies.

This is a feature of YouTube videos - they cannot be looped in Sparkle. Essentially, they can start automatically (in silent mode), but they cannot be looped. Looping and customised player controls can only be added to a self-hosted video. If you have a paid YouTube or Vimeo account, customisation of the controls, including branding, can usually be done on the video sharing platform.