Page load jumping to Widget

Greetings (and thank you Ducan for all the wonderful guidance here)! -
I have a rudimentary website. The first page top contains a basic menu and text, followed by an imbedded widget leading to an dance class booking calendar supplied my This has performed well for some time but recently, on page load or reloaded, the page jumps down to the featured widget calendar. A customer must scroll back up to see any header graphics or menu. Is there a way to prevent this jump? Many thanks, Stephen

I’d suggest trying to publish the page without the widget, to see if the jump is being caused by the widget itself. If removing the widget no longer causes the page to jump, then you need to ask the widget provider to provide a solution. Otherwise it’s something we need to look into, perhaps sending us the project at we can find the cause. Though it really feels like it’s something the widget it doing.

Thank you Duncan! I will follow your suggestion and send word. Thank you for the gracious and incredibly prompt help you give everyone here!

FYI to any Mindbody users with this issue: Mindody new booking calendar widget causes the host page to jump down to the widget placement. A work-around is to make your menu header, general information and any hero graphics into blocks above. Place the widget in a lower layer block, with a SCROLL EFFECT>one-time animation> Fade>Move Up / duration: 1s Delay 0.4 Repeat 1.

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