Page with popups loading slowly


I am working on a daily journal and do not want to use the blog.

Now I have a problem with the speed in Sparkle when I create popups (about 30 per page). Every time I open the page with 30 small photos and the corresponding popups, I get the spinning wheel on my iMac (32 RAM, Mac OS Big Sur, Sparkle 3). This is very annoying. It takes too long for the page to load.

Could it be that I have ‘too many’ popups on one page? I am grateful for any help. Thank you.

Link to website.
The website is loading normally.

Please check on PC. It looks so much nicer.

If you’re using Sparkle 3 then as a first step I’d suggest updating to the latest Sitely. Over time we have fixed interface and performance issues, and we don’t really have the ability to troubleshoot or fix an old version.

If the problem persists in the latest Sitely please send us the project file using to

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Hi mynona,

good news and bad news.

Good news: your site opens on my side instantly and looks nice on PC.
Bad news: something wrong with your internet connection, your browser cache etc.

Thank you so much, Duncan.

I’m sorry, I didn’t express myself correctly. Sitely was actually updated to 5.6.3 but my license is still 3.x

I just checked and will send you a file as you suggested. Thank you very much for your effort of checking the file. Your kindness means a lot to me.

I work privately on my websites and therefore do not have upgraded to Sitely Pro 5 yet. I keep the design simple and actually do not need all features. Would you still recommend that I switch to Sitely Pro 5?

Best regards

Hello zbr,

Thank you for checking.

Kind of misunderstanding.

As I mentioned yesterday, my browser works fine and the site loads perfectly.

It is the sitely-file that seems very slow to me. (spinning wheel on my iMac)

The performance issue is only about software version, not about license level. You are of course free to use the license level you want.

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Thank you, Duncan.

I just checked the file size of the document. The sitely file is huge! 1.5 GB!!!

I have a suspicion now, but I don’t know if I’m right. I thought I’d make my life easier and just drag the photos into sitely as TIFF, thinking that sitely would then reduce the files.

If that’s not the case (automatically reducing the file size and converting it), I obviously need to convert all the files to jpgs or png, right?

There are “only 30 photos” on one page, with the associated popups. The file can’t be that big, can it?

P.S. I just checked the file on the server (FTP account), it is 29 MB.

Sitely reduces the files for publishing purposes, but stores the original.

That’s probably also the reason for the performance issues by the way. The TIFF needs to be converted to jpeg or png even for displaying in the canvas.

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Thank you so much! I am grateful to you.

Well, then … back to field 1. I’m sorry to have bothered you with this. I could have known better.

Sometimes the supposedly quicker way is the slower way.

Always something to learn, even in my old age.

Well arguably Sitely should work smoothly with files of any size, or at least offer to convert them to a high resolution but high performance format such as jpeg or png. I think the same problem would happen with a large multilayer PSD or camera raw file. Food for thought, and thanks for raising the issue.

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Thank you for your feedback.

Converted all TIFF files to JPEG. Sitely file reduction from 1.5GB to 189.3MB!
Now the file opens so smoothly and shows all images in an instant.

Hi Mynoma, I just visited your website and there is no problem loading it. It looks great.