Is there a way to create a functional pop up window in Sparkle?
No, not like you describe it. A work around you could use is via “animation” where you can have a popup-like window appear but there is no way for a user to make it disappear through clicking outside the popup or clicking on the popup or clicking on a “X”.
Depends what purpose you want it for, but I’ve used other tools embedded in (that pop up) for things like surveys or email collection etc.
A workaround could be to create a fake pop-up. You create an identical page and put on a box with your message. Then with a button can direct users on another identical page (that has not pop-up).
I know…it is a bad work but meanwhile that we wait Duncan it is a possible solution that can work…
Good idea, thanks for share!
I hope the function will exist in the next version.
Not as silly then sounds like. Yes doing it right, thinking outside of the box.
Hello, sorry for reopening an old thread but I was looking for the same function. I was wondering if the privacy notice could be modified for this purpose? Instead of “privacy statement” and an “agree” or “go away” buttons, you would have “50% off” and a “take me there” or “not interested” buttons. . .
Do you think this is doable?
I have a simple answer for Tanyyys as follows;
On the Sparkle page on which you want to have a popup window, you put “Embed” from More of Sparkle. and paste the following JavaScript code customized to your need:
Curly bracket open < and write “script”>
alert (“Due to the Covit-19, we are sorry to tell that we temporarily stop serving you.”);
curly brakce close </ and “script”>
You will have a simple notice posted on the page with closing button, and it will be gone opon closing button clicked.
One more idea with a little bit javascript:
To copy it:
javascript: alert(“Here you can write your text.”)
Can’t get to work, Sparkle just displays the raw text (
Normally it runs in Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Vivaldi Browser. I think it is dependent on the safety adjustment of the browser.