I want to make a responsive gallery. Is it possible?
example: I want to make each image in the gallery clickable and it shud go to other page/link I select.
Thanks in advance!!
I want to make a responsive gallery. Is it possible?
example: I want to make each image in the gallery clickable and it shud go to other page/link I select.
Thanks in advance!!
When I understand your wishes in the right way … may be it is very simple. You can find this function in the gallery under selected picture … go to side … (over letterbox).
@muddasir_blr, It is pretty straight forward plus Duncan has good documentation on it that will guide you through the process - https://sparkleapp.com/docs/galleries.html
Place an “Image Gallery” and you will notice on the right-hand side column all the functionality you can assign it, including making an image an active link.