Having issue with sandwich menu on mobile it is not resizing for phone
Built 100 plus pages in 3 months while going to work now mobile navigation is not working. Need help to fix
Having issue with sandwich menu on mobile it is not resizing for phone
Built 100 plus pages in 3 months while going to work now mobile navigation is not working. Need help to fix
@Izhane, Two things that I see…
The Sparkle framework creates responsive fixed-width websites (1200, 960, 768, 480, 320px) and does not dynamically/responsively arrange itself within the breakpoint to the width of the device.
Built on 320 testing on iPhone 7 menus sandwich when clicked open like they are for a desktop . After holidays I will look at if I put at front or back and do more testing. This was the first time uploading to server.
Got home did what you said it did not change it in preview.
Played around and figured it out same size was clicked on inside menu page items
As well as Item size padding and item height had to be adjusted to make it work. will update on my website later https://painterslondon.ca