Sparkle & Ecwid

Us Web Designers are always stressed hoping our clients are ok with how we guide them and help them out, especially when it comes to ecommerce.

I just want to let Duncan & Daniel know that how Ecwid works with Sparkle is faultless. My client (TNG&T) is just so happy going from a nervous wreck in the beginning to now just showering me with accolades! :slight_smile:
She is amazed how her-bottom line has improved since her new Sparkle / Ecwid site has gone up, and the positive feedback she has been getting constantly from her client-base!

This is also the case with our other Sparkle / Ecwid client. She is also totally happy! :slight_smile:
And then again Sparkle / Shopify is also a faultless experience! :slight_smile:

I am so happy (and stress free) in having made the switch and moving the majority of our clients across to Sparkle!!! :slight_smile: :star::clap: :clap:


Hi Hendrik.

As always: excellent work!
BUT two websites have a weird mobil menu effect:

I did not check every detail on all pages.

Mr. F.

Cap T for tasmanian?

Not the “t” or “T” :slightly_smiling_face:

I mean the transparency when selection a menu point.

Mr. F.

@Mr_Fozzie, oh dear. And I only updated them both a few days ago.
I’d best check on my end! Thanks! :slight_smile: :pray:

Thanks @Sparkletter. The title is all in lowercase, even Tasmania…

@Mr_Fozzie, which browser are you viewing it in? On my end Safari checks out for both…

Hi @FlaminFig.

I have Safari 16 on Monterey 12.6 (iMac 27)
I tested with the Response mode (Control+Command+R) and selected an iPhone.

Maybe you’re ok on a smartphone with touchscreen (no hovering).

Mr. F.

@Mr_Fozzie, a strange one!
Safari in Responsive Design Mode is not honouring my menu settings for mobile. All works correctly on the physical mobile, not like your screenshots - whew!

Seems like Safari in Responsive Design Mode isn’'t picking up my mobile hover settings?

Did you just change the sites?
Now it looks correct - i guess :face_with_peeking_eye:

Mr. F.

Yes @Mr_Fozzie, I did change the TNG&T mobile hover to reflect the main navigation, but before that I didn’t see what your screenshot was showing on the physical iPhone.

It was a good exercise! :smile: :crazy_face:


I have two questions about Ecwid and sparkleapp,

1- Are you using the Ecwid plugin (payment) or a code Embed option?

2- If you are using Ecwid plugin, how did you constrain the width to not be a full width? and if
you are using the direct embed, how did you add it?

Why I am asking this, I’m using the Ecwid plugin and it is great, but I am facing issues with the full width as it is not showing good.

I have tried the code embed, and it is working good in Microsoft Edge web browser in windows, but in safari (both Mac and iOS) on the landing page is working, but when I go to other page and come back it shows nothing.

you can have a look at my website:

Thank you in advance.

Hi @Theilluminance, thank you for asking! :slight_smile:

Yes I am using the Sparkle Ecwid Product Browser widget, and yes i was also unhappy how it pushed out beyond the website’s fixed width for the fact that it looked like it was my mistake! So in the end I had to resort to a bit of CSS which I used in a Sparkle Embed widget.

I also turned on Code Integration under Settings / Miscellaneous / Code Integration and then with the Ecwid Product Browser selected I went to Arrange / Code Integration and ID(ed) it with “ecwid-store”.

To help you out the CSS I used was the following…

#ecwid-store {max-width: 1200px; margin: 0 auto;}

Give it a try and let me know how you go…

Thank you for the help, but the where did add the CSS? in Ecwid CSS? or in sparkle?

Yes as I mentioned this is what you are calling the Ecwid Product Browser. That is where the #ecwid-store comes from that you are using in the CSS that you Embed into Sparkle.

Yes I figured out that I have to Embed the CSS, thank you for the advice and the CSS code.

As far I work with designing, the code part still hard for me :slight_smile:

Thank you again for the help.

@Mr_Fozzie Yeah, I have experienced that Safari Responsive Design Mode does not always display correctly, always check on actual device etc.

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@FlaminFig on the tngt website I’m getting 404 errors on all Our Featured product links from home page?

If you have lots of different product categories in Ecwid, can you have them display on different product type pages in Sparkle? Is there a way to split the categories?

Hi @iVivid…
To answer your question, yes.

Sparkle allows the whole Ecwid Store to work within Sparkle so when viewing catagories Sparkle is displaying the Ecwid generated pages for those categories which in turn displays all the product under the category… and it works faultlessly! :slight_smile:

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