Good morning, I need some help, please…
When trying to publish my website to the purchased webspace (well known hosting company) my settings always fail. Everything is entered correctly, but I keep getting the error message:
“Unable to connect, check your settings” (German localization: “Konnte nicht verbinden, überprüfen Sie die Einstellungen”)
What do I do wrong?
The “web address” is to be entered with “http://” in front or is that not important? I tried all combinations.
The “ftp-server” is to be entered without “sftp://” and without “/” at the end, correct? Otherwise I’ll get the error message that the path should not be entered.
User name and password are entered correctly
The hosting company exclusively uses SFTP on port 22, so I checked this setting or left it in auto, regardless… still no luck.
BTW, with all those above mentioned settings, CyberDuck has no problems to access the webspace.
What could possibly be wrong? A little nudge or hint is highly appreciated…
Best regards from rainy Germany
I can suggest you need an SSL Certificate against your domain name via your host, and you need to use “https://”…
Thanks, that is included in my hosting package, I tried it… no change, no help
The ftp server is just the hostname, no sftp and no slashes.
Other common problems:
- Sitely’s attempt at autodetecting the connection type (FTP/SFTP/etc) triggered a server protection mechanism, you can solve this by opening the advanced settings and setting it to SFTP
- sometimes web hosts have a limit on a single FTP connection, so if you have an FTP app open such as Cyberduck or FileZilla it can prevent Sitely from connecting
- you have some network blocking software running on your Mac, like say an antivirus or Little Snitch or Tripmode, you can try quitting those or expressly allowing Sitely to connect via FTP
- on some macOS versions the system blocks recently installed/updated apps from connecting to the internet, restarting your Mac would fix this
- new bug in Sequoia (if you’re running that), some apps are incorrectly blocked from accessing the internet, expressly allowing Sitely in the firewall section in the system settings would solve that
Good morning Duncan,
thank you so much for your detailled reply.
As a matter of fact, the keyword “Little Snitch” did the trick…
and now it works like a charm.
The biggest computer problems are still in front of the monitor
Thanks again for solving that almost embarrassing newby problem