Using AI to help with SEO

Hello Duncan, very thoughtful blog post, thank you. I gave me an idea.

One area that I find really tedious in website development is completing the Title and Description fields for images. It would be great if the SEO tool can be enhanced so that when it’s reporting about a missing title, it also suggests a title, and the user can approve or edit.


Great idea. I would love to see this implemented as well.

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Hello :wave:t2:

I really like this idea; it’s true that it would be a very useful feature! However, I’m afraid it might not be easily achievable within the current subscription cost.

I’ve personally created a tool for my clients that automatically generates a meta description, a title, and a list of keywords to include in a text, helping them write content for their web pages. This kind of service comes with a cost. For the AI to generate a high-quality title and description, Sitely would need to send the full text of each page to analyze its content and suggest relevant options. This process would need to be repeated for every page on the site, which could quickly become expensive in terms of processing.

This seems hard to implement within the $7 per month subscription or even with the one-time purchase version. But maybe I’m wrong… and why not consider such a feature in a future dedicated subscription?

In any case, it’s an excellent idea and definitely worth exploring! :blush:


I’d definitely be willing to pay more if that feature was included.

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If we use graphics or photo processing applications, you probably know that in Photoshop there is so-called file information. It would be good if this meta data was read by Sitely, just like the file name is read.
And artificial intelligence could help read this data.