Hi! I’ve been updating my blog and on my MacBook’s default browser (Safari) it looks absolutely fine. However, on Chrome it looks as if it’s only displaying the mobile version. I have cleared the cache etc but still coming up with the same issue.
Please help!
I’ve had a quick look for you @jazzbird and your blog is working fine (and showing on desktop) on my end…
- Could still be a cache issue on your end?
- Maybe republish your Sparkle website?
- Do you have an update to Chrome?, if so make sure it is the latest version
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Oh thank you @FlaminFig. I cleared the cache and Chrome is updated. I’ll republish and hopefully that’ll make a difference!
Interestingly, when I look at the preview in Sparkle, the same thing happens for Chrome. Hmmm…
While you have Chrome open viewing your website just hold down your “command” key on the keyboard and then tap “0”. This will bring your browser to “actual size”…
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Oh wow! Thank you so much @FlaminFig! It worked!!! Woohoo!!!
I was so worried!
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@jazzbird I know these things are subjective, but can I suggest a minor change to your website. Having spent quite a bit of time and effort creating a website, it seems a shame that having got visitors to your site, one of the first things they are encouraged to do is LEAVE your site and go visit your Instagram or X feed. It may be better to replace those links in the navigation bar with a prominent call to action button, such as a ‘Get in Touch’ button. You can then remove the ‘contact’ item from the main menu. The best place to put those social media feed icons would be at the bottom of your page - in the footer. Furthermore, you should also consider having those links open in a NEW WINDOW so that visitors don’t leave your page entirely. Just my humble thoughts on the matter, but a nice site anyway.
Oh thank you @francbrowne for your feedback! I shall do as you suggest this week. There’s quite a bit of work that needs doing on the site I’ll admit and I tend to go in stops and starts with so many competing things on my plate (but I always come back to it!). Thank you again. I really appreciate your appraisal.
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Hello @jazzbird i just went to go on your site on iPhone and I’m finding the menu hamburger icon not working. When I click it, a menu option appears but can not go to any pages on your site.
One other small thing, the text at the bottom of the page is right up against the edges of the screen, can I suggest having a little padding just to bring it away from the edges. 
Best regards